Jenny Martel

NYC Actor | SAG-AFTRA & AEA | Height: 5"6"
Fully Vaccinated | US Passport
Independent Films
(Select Credits)
The Bee | Gertie (Supporting) | Legacy Pictures
The Central Park Secret Keeper | The Secret Keeper (Lead) | Space Crow TV
Brothers | Dr. Rosen (Supporting) | AVS Films
Under the Sheets | Dr. Brown (Supporting) | Space Crow Productions
Not Alone | Maya (Supporting Lead) | REELARC Productions
Love | Mother (Supporting Lead) | REELARC Productions
Virtual Memories | Aunt Clara (Supporting) | Waverly Film
Fool Me Once | Marjorie (Lead) | REELARC Productions
New Beginning | Nun Margarethe (Supporting Lead) | Schjonning Productions
Accounting | Dr. Monroe (Lead) | REELARC Productions
A Senior Moment | Helena (Supporting Lead) | REELARC Productions
Civilian Assistance Review | Kay (Lead) Winner, Best Actress | Sean Healey Productions NY Film Festival
Santelices | Miss Donovan (Supporting) | Alfred O. Padilla Productions
The Green Wood | Sally (Lead) | Jurgen Baum Productions
Hidden Grace | Grace (Lead) | Nicholas Nicastro Productions
The Birthday Party | Jessica (Lead) | Paula Schapp Productions
Young Goodman Brown | Goodie Brown (Supporting) | Filmiola Productions
Miles To Go | Dr. Wade (Supporting) | Koizumi Productions
Contretemps | Jackie (Series Regular, Sci-Fi Pilot) | Whole Pictures Productions
Ghosts Never Die | Regina (Guest Star) | PBS, Channel 28 (LA)
One Life To Live | Nurse (Under Five) | ABC Television
Loving | Jury Foreman (Under Five) | ABC Television
As the World Turns | Airplane Passenger (Under Five) | NBC Television
Saturday Night Live | Restaurant Patron (Under 5) | NBC Television
NY Stage
(Select Credits)
The Beckett Plays: Catastrophe | Assistant | Director, Alan Schneider
The Beckett Theatre
Preacher's Coming | Beulah | Director, Sharon Fallon
Harold Clurman Theatre
‘night, Mother | Mama | American Theatre for Actors
Sister Mary Ignatius | Sister Mary | American Theatre for Actors
Explains it All for You​
Chamber Music | Osa Johnson | Love Creek Productions
Drunk Christmas | The Alcoholic | Love Creek Prod. (virtual)
Oh Righteous God and Sinful Me | Sister Mary Paul | Page 28 Theatre (virtual)
She Stoops to Conquer | Mrs. Hardcastle | Love Creek Productions
Steering Into the Skid | Martha | Love Creek Productions
Richard Fischer's Funeral | Jayna | Love Creek Productions
A Company of Wayward Saints | Columbina | The Bridge Theatre Company
Fits and Starts | Babs | Ensemble Studio Theatre
John Gabriel Borkman | Mrs. Borkman | Hawk & Handsaw Theatre
Pericles | Lychorida | The Basic Theatre
Forget Him | Clydelle Marlow | The Actors Collective
The Final Commitment | Sylvia | Riverside Shakespeare
Birdbath | Velma Sparrow | New York Rep
Dream Time | Sarah Louise Vinton | Love Creek Productions
Meat Marketing | Caryn Karnicki | Love Creek Productions
Tell Me I'm Still A Good Person | Helen Carroll | Love Creek Productions
The Cure | Martha | 45th Street Theatre
The Visit | Reporter | The Actors Collective
Regional Theatre & LA
Snow White/Snow Black | Amy | Actors Studio West
The Lion in Winter | Alais​ | Attic Ensemble of NJ
Training & Workshops
Abbreviated List
T. Schreiber Studio | Scene Study | Peter Jensen
Matt Newton Acting Studio | Co-Star/Guest Star Bootcamp | Matt Newton
T. Schreiber Studio | Monologues | Robert Verlaque
T. Schreiber Studio | Audition Mindset | Bill Coelius
T. Schreiber Studio | Commercials | Bill Coelius
T. Schreiber Studio | Dialect: British RP | Page Clements
Casting Loop | Commercials | Brooke Thomas &
Mary Egan Callahan
Upright Citizens Brigade | Improv : Long Form | Drew DiFonzo Marks
Private Classes | Scene Study | Geraldine Page
Lee Strasberg Institute | Scene Study | Lee Strasberg
T. Schreiber Studio | Scene Study | Vivian Matalon
Harold Clurman Theatre | Scene Study | Jack Garfein
Private Classes | Scene Study | José Ferrer
Private Classes | Scene Study | Tony Tanner
Private Classes | Coaching | Jack Betts
Private Classes | Coaching | Robert Mooney
Michael Howard Studio | Scene Study | Michael Howard
Civilian Assistance Review, Best Actress, NYC Film Festival
The Word is Out, written by Kelly Masterson: Director of Winning Play, Samuel French One-Act Festival
Fallen Short of the Glory: Director of Winning Play, Samuel French One-Act Festival
Special Skills
Dialects: Southern, Appalachian, British RP
Piano - intermediate; Singing (mezzo), including excellent part singing
Theatre Director
Music Conductor
Children’s Musical Theatre
Corporate Business Compliance Officer and trainer with emphasis in Finance, Pharmaceuticals and Marketing
Expert facilitation & presentation skills
Geek - software guru and instructor
US passport
Fully vaccinated